National Bestselling Author

My biography

Laura Moore


Who I Am

About Me

  1. I was born in and grew up there and in Western Massachusetts. I received my undergraduate degree and my M.A. in art history. Since graduate school I've worked as a museum lecturer and have taught art, art history, and French. My family and I now live in Rhode Island, where, in addition to writing, I teach English at the Rhode Island School of Design--a great place to share my love of art and fiction.
  2. I began writing my first romance while pursuing my master's degree. My first novel, Ride a Dark Horse, filled most of a spiral bound notebook. I was running out of pages when my wonderful husband presented me with a laptop for my birthday. It didn't take long for me to realize I far preferred writing love stories to cranking out term papers! Both Ride a Dark Horse and Chance Meeting, my second novel, are set in a world I've always loved…the world of horses and professional show jumping.

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Golden Quill Contest Winner

Once Touched was voted #1 in the Contemporary Romance category by Golden Quill readers.

Night Owl Top Pick

Once Tasted was chosen as a Top Pick by Night Owl Reviews

Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence

Believe in Me took first place in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence contest sponsored by Southern Magic RWA

Writing Training

Nulla venenatis

Quisque ex orci, cursus sit amet vehicula a, bibendum sed mi. Phasellus aliquam, massa sit amet varius malesuada, ligula lorem varius turpis, non placerat augue leo et nisi

Duis sed sagittis neque, a dapibus nisl. Nullam venenatis massa metus. Quisque ex orci, cursus sit amet vehicula a, bibendum sed mi. Phasellus aliquam, massa sit amet varius malesuada, ligula lorem varius turpis, non placerat augue leo et nisi. Mauris et eros ipsum. Proin aliquet metus vel est fringilla, quis bi bendum enim sollicitudin. Donec et dolor et est dapibus accumsan

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